Analyzing The Effect Of Nurses Following Policies In Hospital

Think about the best patient care you’ve ever seen. Why was it good? What helped make it good? How do you know it was good? What were the contributing factors, the nursing work environment that enabled it? What could you identify in the management strategies? In the patient safety strategies?

Think about the worst patient care you’ve ever seen. What was it bad? What contributed to it being bad? How do you know it was bad? What were the contributing factors, the holes in the cheese? What could you identify in the ‘nursing work environment’? What could you identify in the management and/or leadership strategies that were in action at the time? In the patient safety strategies? Analyzing The Effect Of Nurses Following Policies In Hospital


Think about the best nurse you’ve seen. (Your visualisation of a mentor, an informal mentor perhaps). Why was she/he good? What helped make them good? How do you know they were good? What were the contributing factors, the nursing work environment that enabled them to be good? What could you identify in the management strategies that supported them? What could you identify in the patient safety strategies that supported their practice? Was it ward level? Organisational level?

Think about the worst nurse you’ve seen. (An anti-mentor, how you don’t want to nurse). Apply the same questions from above.

Think about the Coroner’s Cases we examined in Tutorial in Week 4.

  • How you can use single case studies to examine deep and complex issues
  • Need to use your contextual knowledge and experience to delve deeper than what may superficially seem apparent